Friday 14 March 2008


It's that time of year, when I can be as happy as I want and no one questions why!

I'm Seventeen on Monday!


Seventeen! OK OK, so the only real extra advantage is that i can drive. And I plan on taking that advantage and running with it!

I can't wait really! I have my first Driving lesson next Thursday! I'm really looking forward to it!

I'm having some friends over tomorrow for pizza and a movie. And I suppose we'll muck around a bit too! Nothing like having friends over to lighten the spirits.

I suppose you're sitting there, reading this and thinking to yourself- She's seventeen, why isn't she having this great big party and total mash up? Well this is because there is more to life than drink! I don't have big parties because I'd have to clear up all the mess.

I am not above drinking as a rule, I just don't see it as necessary to go out every Friday, and Saturday Night and get mashed down the park, where anything could happen. I'm quite happy with simple things such as the Internet, my books, and my music.

You don't need Alcohol to have a good time, and it does so much damage to your body, It's a wonder anyone still has a body left. But to have a really good time, you're mates are the most important thing out there! You can be drunk, and lonely. You can be lonely in a crowd. But with a few really good mates, you can have a fabulous time!

Now I not saying that Alcohol is a bad thing, taken in moderation it can be a good thing, But too much can be bad for you.

Now I'm looking forward to Monday for several reasons;
  1. It's My Birthday!! (Obvious)
  2. I haven't got Chemistry (YAY! I'm failing and not having Chem on my birthday is a great Birthday Present!)
  3. I don't have to go to work (Nuff said)

And Of course, PRESENTS! YAY! The best bit about birthdays!

So as you can see, I can't wait for my Birthday! The one day a year, I would say I'm allowed to be a little selfish!

LOL Just Kidding!


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