Wednesday 19 March 2008

100 things about me

1. Full Name: Stephanie ***** Woods
2. Nicknames: Stef, Steff, Steph
3. Birthday: 17th March 1991
4. Place of Birth: Middlesex
5. Zodiac Sign: Pieces
6. Male or female: Female
7. Grade: year 128. School: Waingels
9. Occupation: voluntary student, part time cleaner
10. Residence: Woodley
11. MSN Screen Name: Currently: [(Stef)]It's not true that life in one damn thing after another; It is one damn thing over and over

__Your Appearance___

12. Hair Colour: Dark Brown/ Fading red
13. Hair Length: Shoulder length
14. Eye colour: Blue
15. Weight: not telling
16. Height: average
17. Braces? Not anymore
18. contacts: never
19. Piercings: Ears
20. Tattoos: None.
21. Righty or Lefty: Righty

___Your 'Firsts'___

22. First best friend: Nasha
23. First Award: Swimming
24. First Sport: Swimming.
25. First pet: rabbits- Flash and Dusty
26. First Real Vacation: America
27. First phone: Nokia 3310
28. First Love: no- crushing


29. Movie: Love Actually
30. TV programme: the Famous Five/ Friends
31: Colour: Anything but pink
32. Rapper: you have got to be kidding
33. Band: loads....
34. Song: I want you to want me
35. Friend: lots
36. Sweet: Cadbury Chocolate
37. Sport to Play: Shopping.
38. Restaurant: The Red Rose
39. Favourite brand: don’t really have one
40. Store: Primark, HMV
41. School Subject: English Lit, History
42. Animal: Rabbit
43. Book: The other boleyn girl, Malory Towers, Famous Five
44. Magazine: Sugar
45. Shoes: Roxy Trainers, boots


46. Feeling: tired, upset
47. Single or Taken? Single
48. Have a crush: Yes, don’t ask
49. Eating: Nothing
50. Drinking: Nothing
51. Typing: This
52. Online? Bebo, MSN and Myspace
53. Listening To: Best Chill Out (Songs)
54. Thinking About: Going to bed
55. Wanting To: Write/sleep
56. Watching: The screen
57. Wearing: Black T-Shirt, Cheap Jeans

___Your Future___

58. Want Kids? Yes
59. Want to be married? Yes
60. Careers in Mind: Writer, Geographer, Geography Teacher, English Lit Teacher
61. Where do you want to live: Country/ Seaside
62. Car: Suburu

__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___

63. Hair colour: light brown, dark ginger
64. Hair length: A bit long
65. Eye colour: brown/ hazel
66. Measurments: taller than my five foot Seven
67. Cute or Sexy: both
68. Lips or Eyes: both
69. Hugs or Kisses: both
70. Short or Tall: Tall
71. Easygoing or serious: Easygoing
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Don't they go together?
73. Fatty or Skinny: More on the skinny side.
74. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relashionship
76. Sweet or Caring: both
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: depends

___Have you ever______

78. Kissed a Stranger: no
79. Had Alcohol: Yes
80. been in a police station: No
81. Ran Away From Home: no
82. Broken a bone:no
83. Got an X-ray: yes for my knee, when I did something to the cartilidge
84. Been with someone: no
85. Broken Someone’s Heart: no
86. Broke Up With Someone: no
87. Cried When Someone Died: Yes8
8. Cried At School: Yes

___Do You Believe In___

89. God: not sure
90. Miracles: again not sure
91. Love At First sight: possibly
92. Ghosts: don’t know
93. Aliens: don’t know
94. Soul: yes
96. Hell: not sure
97. Angels: not sure
98. Boogie Monster: No
99. Hatred: yes

___Answer Truthfully___

100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't Have? Yes for a long time now, there’s a couple of them actually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you get to keep your xray? I didn't. i want it back...