Tuesday, 27 May 2008


Friend: Noun 1 a person whose company and attitudes one finds sympathetic and whom one is not closely related

Thats the dictionary definiation of Friends. It states the basic truth of friends. What it doesn't tell you is the trouble, the patience, the trust, the secrets and the laughter which being friends with someone is meant to be.

Another way to define Friendships is someone with whom you feel comfortable. A friendship is another way to not find yourself on your own, and it's meant to alienate the feeling of loneliness.

But like any good relationship, you have to work at maintaining them, very much like a garden, weeding out the weeds and nurturing the flowers to make them grow.

When this break down, it all breaks down, and however hard you try to save it, the harder it becomes, because everything is popping up when you turn your back on it.

You try and try to saveage what is left, but you know, deep down that all is lost. It is broken beyond repair. And one thing that once could be fixed is blown out of proportion and makes everything irreverisable.

Friendships have to be nurtured, and have to be allowed to grow. They can become stale and dry like bread, and dead like the bleakest environment on earth.

The smallest thing can crack the ice in the beginning, just as the smallest thing can push it right over the edge.

Letting go is the hardest part, because in the really good relationship, and friendship alike, you don't want to let go of what you once had, and facing up to the fact that all is over, is one of th bravest things anyone can do. Moving is another huge step, and healing can take ages.

But the worst part is knowing that you've lost something really good from your life and you'll never have anything else like it. There will be other relationships and friendships but they all differ from each other, like people.

The fact is, you have to learn to move on with your life. The hardest part has yet to come.


Anonymous said...

Aww, it's really nice and deep.

Anonymous said...

Aww, Stef! *cyberhug*

Anonymous said...

Everything changes.... For better or worse, it's uavoidable I'm sorry this change hurt *hug*

Pdas are not made for blogs. I can,t see what I'm typing. ,pologies for any typos or general nonsense.