Monday 22 October 2007


Well, it's half term. Normally I would say yay.

well, i suppose i can, but i have a lot of homework and i have just found out that my house is going to look like a construction site soon, because my mum's room is having the floor boards re done, so everything has to come out of her room, and some where in the house.

Which means no internet for three weeks, unless Dad can wire up my computer to the phone line, so I can have internet in my room
I just hope he gets round to it.

Anyway, had a good couple of days. Talked to the guy I sat next to in Assembly the other week, had some lie ins, and talking to my friend in Bangladesh now. lol
Anyway, lots of homework, which I don't want to do. urgh!

Brain is about to explode.

really into indian things at the moment. the music, movies, the food. watched Bride and Prejudice the other day. Really want to sound track now, and the movie.
There's always christmas I suppose

bi for now



Blogger101 said...

I love Bride and Prejuice ^^
I have some homework too but I'm procrastinating...3 weeks w/o internet? Haha, I'd go insane- you know me!

Ming said...

Heh, that's cool, but pity about the homework.