Friday 2 November 2007

New Famous Five

The Famous Five

The Famous Five. The new TV series looks horrible. It really does, doesn't even sound like the FF.

I understand that it has to be updated, PC and all that, but why not keep the orginal adventures and names, in the very least. Changing the names, and the adventures, seems to take away the very essence of the Famous Five. They wouldn't be the famous five if you didn't have a stroppy George, a joking Dick, a Loyal (If slightly washy) Anne, and a bossy Julian. It's just not the same.And AMERICAN! That's what angered me the most, it is being written by AMERICAN's who had to have the orginal text changed for them in the first place. If you are going to bring back the FF, then please make sure that you use English writers who understand why we don't want one of best selling and well known books changed to such lengths.

Ok, ok, it wouldn't be very PC if they were all white, I get that, but what can you do? You can't really dig up old Enid, and get her to re-write them.
Leaving them the way they are allows people, kids mainly, to see the way that things changed from one time to the next. Next they'll be changing the history to make it more PC.

First books, then fact.

It just doesn't work like that.

Lord help us.

Peace out


If any of the above offends you, i'm sorry. I didn't meant offend. So I beg your parden. I just wanted to make people aware of what was going on, and my feelings towards it.


Ming said...

Poor Famous Five. Let's hope they survive till the end of the world, at least!

pipa-stef792 said...

deffently!!! that would be awesome

Anonymous said...

It's blasphemy. Seriously. And whenever I mention FF at home my mum goes into a tangent on how horrible Ol' Enid was to her kids.