Tuesday 16 October 2007


What a WEEEEKKKK!!!!!!
Ok, so the week started out ok. Work on Monday was shit as usual, but what do you expect. Just go with the flow, unfortunatley.
Tuesday was wellll brilliant!!!! Loved Tuesday Lunch Time!!! I could's stop smiling!!! Cause one of the guys I liked sat next to me in assembly and for the first five minutes or whatever we were swapping sarcastic comments, just for the sake of it. lol Loved it.

Wednesday Morning, right up until I was at work was great as well. Then I found out some devistating news.The Other guy I like, knows that I like him. All the sixth form cleaners have worked out that I like him, and have been disscussing it up in the common room, with him, all week. MEN SUCK!!! was the conculsion I came to after that.

Which meant that the rest of this week has been crappy, and I can't tell anyone why, becuase they wouldn't understand. It's just doesn't bare thinking about.
Inset day friday. Good I all I can say (This friday I mean) and well half term next week. Love it! But Anyway, Men suck.



Blogger101 said...

Try me?
What would I understand?
My weekend hasn't been great either. And I've also come to the same conclusion (But I am NOT a lesbian!) so let us bitch together! ;)

Ming said...

What a week, I agree!

Unknown said...
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