So basically how the day started out, was good. Had everything I thought I would need and then Daisy and Louise came round and we left for Twyford and got on the train to Paddington. OK this is where things began to go a little wrong- I realised I'd forgotten to bring some pictures to get signed for my friend.
Well once we got to Paddington, we went to Covent Garden, The Dress Circle and Cyber Candy, where I got the finsihing touches to my present for Caroline Keiff (Explain later), and then we trotted off to the Apollo Victoria.
We reached the AV soon after about half eleven to find that we couldn't buy programs until One thirty, so I had to go and get a notebook to get signed. And lucky I did, because the first signiture I got was soon after this purchase. A.C Garica.
And it just continued in this way, people coming and going, grabbing people as they walked in an out so many pictures! (See the end of the Blog) And anyway, Kerry came through and i gave her the present i'd made for her, considering that it was meant ot be cast change, until it was changed until the 9th May. And I think she liked it. She liked her home made birthday card as well. And then I had a Bag for Caroline Keiff as well, and well Caroline simply appeared to lover hers! It was so sweet! And she was sooo nice as well! Really chatty! Oh and we gave Liam Tamne a Good Luck card for after cast change, and he was genuinely please to get it, and once he'd sorted himself out, after coming back out to sign things for us, on his way into the Theater again, we were still standing there and he said "Hi Stef" he me!!! I was almost hysterical!!!:P
So anyway, Oli dubbed the 2nd the "Fake Cast Change" and we got full cast as if to make up for the changed cast change!!!
So anyway we went into the Matinee and had a wonderfull show. Di's Popular was amazing, Des forgot his lines during Wonderful, and Kerry kept lasping into an American accent, but personally I liked her Defying Gravity, for the Matinee certainly!!! The evening performace, I was rather underwelmed.
But anyways, after the show, we'd snuck out at the end of the applause to get to Stage Door, and met Kirsty, and got oursleves a place at SD although it was very crowded and you could tell that people were waiting for Kerry, who didn't come out between shows, so many left disappointed. But we had a fabulous time with Alex, Kirsty and Louise, until she had to go, and daisy took her back to Paddington. Before Daisy left with louise, Liam Tamne cam out and we got him to sign the "Hairspray" Advert in the Wicked Program, because after Cast change Liam's going on to become Link in Hairspray, and one of the ensemble members said to him as he signed the adverts "You're not in it yet" as a joke, but we were happy! Then Trish arrived, so we had an entertaining half hour or so, also in the process, loosing Daisy, but then finding her as we needed to go in for the Evening perfromance.
Again another great performance from all the cast, Di's Popular was hilarious, Caroline's WWOE was awesome again, and I just loved the whole of the performace, though No Good Deed, for the second time was underwelming. But never the less, all the fan girls seemed to have arrived and screamed the place down as normal.
Again with getting to the SD, we left at the end of the cheers and I swear, I've never run as quickly up stairs and out a fire escape, buit it paid off, because we were the first people there and at the front of the SD, which is an achievement in it'self. We got the rest of the signitures needed and, had another chat with Caroline and Kerry, and Des and Harriet. So it was all good. then we went home!
So all around it was a good day!!! And here are the pictures to prove it...
Me with Alex Jessop
Me with Andy Mace
Me with Ashleigh Gray
Me with Caroline Keiff- The Most sweetest woman ever!!!
Daisy and Me with Chloe Taylor
Cindy and Me with the scarf she made for Wicked, which I brought
Me and Des
Me and Dianne Pilkington
Me and Sarah
Me with Gary Wood
Me with George Ure
Me with Jake
Me with Jeremy
Me with the leading Lady herself- Kerry
Me with Liam:)
Me with Matthew Boulton
Me with Mitchell Mahony
Me with Nadine Cox
Me with Oli:)
Me with Rachel Muldoon
Me with Sabrina Carter- Elphie Understudy.
Me with Stollar!
Me with Tim Waldon
[Somemore coming soon- will update when I can:)]
But thats all for now:) Twas a good day!:)
Okay, I'm not even kidding...
please tell me that picture you got took with Kerry wasn't after the matinee.
We waited on the 2nd may after the matinee for like, an hour (I was actually stood next to you for the whole of that time! aha! Okay, that sounds a bit stalker-like. Just so you know, it was total coincidence that I found this page :P) and she didn't show so we left.
I will be so devastated if she actually did come out after the matinee!
Could you get back to me please?
Sorry, I commented without actually reading the blog first, I just saw the pictures and I was like "Nooo!" haha.
I'm actually glad she didn't come out between shows because I've been thinking for all this time that she did come out and I missed her!
Thanks anyways!
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