Friday 7 December 2007

Right, Ok

Ok so I said to the Teacher who's head of Sixth Form in my schoolt that I would got for Community captain, because all the teachers who obivously didn't think that I was good enough for the Job as Deputy Head Girl thought I'd be brilliant as a Community Captain.

Ok, ok, I crumbled, but I still get be on the head team, I just don't get to make any important descitions and start up out Mentoring system for the greenies (thats what we call the younger years who wear the grean uniform). Now That I believe that I would have been good at.

The Girl who got deputy, now I'm not saying that she's not a nice girl, but she has her own adgenda which I don't think includes the mentoring system, which is really a major part of our school plus it has a training scheme which would look good on Appilcation forms for Jobs and Uni, so why don't they want that back on it's feet, plus it would probably count as Community service as well, for all the sixth formers who are giving up their time to help the little ones.

I was thinking of asking if I could revive it anyway. I think I could really do a good job and my sociology teacher believes I would as well. Thats got to be something good right?- if a teacher believes that you can do something like that?

So Yeah, that. Tiring week, and I've got my works Christmas party to go to in a bit, nothing much, just chinese food.


Monday 3 December 2007

Deputy Head Girl- Not!

Decsions made, and votes counted, and Waingels Deputy Head Girl For 2007/2008 and it is.....(Drum Roll Please)

Not me.

Another girl got it. She's more popular and probably came second in the Running for Head Girl, (She ran for both) which I think makes it stupid for her to run as Deputy, but there you go. I'm not it end of.

And Now they want me to run for Community Captain, meaning I'll still have a place on the head team, just not Deputy Head Girl. Which sucks, because more people want to be Community Captains, than did who wanted to be Head Girl. Everyone thinks this would be a better thing for me, but I'm not so sure. I don't want to have to run around everyone else and clear up other peoples mistakes. As Deputy I would have had a lot more say in the matter, and this way, I'll just be setting myself up for more disappointment. Because lets face it, none one's going to vote for me.

So now, all the teachers think I should go for this community captain thing,and I don't want to, because I'll be setting myself up for more disappointment.:[

I know it's probably a daft thing to have done in the first place, but I thought that I might have had enough respect from my peers to have won their vote and have shown them what a good job I could have done. But no, we want the very so bright ever so popular clever clogs. I know, she's a nice person really, but i don't think that they should have been allowed to run, it just sucppered everyone else's chances.

Life geuninally sucks. And the saddest part of it is, that sometimes, it's no one's fault but your own, and thats the worst part.
For a few minutes I was actaully beginning to believe that I would get in and I would be able to change things, and help things to improve for a way that allowed me to be remembered as someone who made a difference in the School and in Sixth Form. Not the strange little geeky girl who helped out in the library a lot.

So here I am, no power, nothing to my name, nada, nothing, not even a smidge. A hopless wreck of something no one wanted to know about.


Thursday 29 November 2007

Hustings/ Head Team elections

Right so this whole week has been election week for the new head team and in a moment of what is now apparent madness, I put my name down to run as Deputy Head Girl, which is quite a big deal.

Ok so the week started badly, by someone pointing out that I was using the Library as a Campagin base, which got me in a really bad mood. Then the whole stress of the thing which meant that I was running around like a mad thing thinking that I could make a difference to the one sided vote.

Anyway, it was hustings tonight, where all the propective candidates make their speeches on why they would be a good person to have on the head team etc, and so I've been really nervous all day and then after school it came down to the speeches.
The Boys went first. It was hard to decide who I would give my vote too, but in the end, i think it went to who I think is the right person.
Anyway, it was getting nearer the time for me to make my speech. So I was counting down the perspective head girls, and then, everything was alright, the girls were getting laughs and i was thinking "ohhhhh crap" and then it was my turn.

I was shaking like hell, honestly I was, and I began. No laughs, no claps, just silence, I was going as red as a tomato. I kept on going, i had to. I was the shittest thing there and I and everyone else apart from my friends (Who denied it) knew it.
I sat down, shaking like hell, feeling sooo sick. The other gril who's going for Deputy got up, and to huge roars and cheers, and laughes and claps started her speech. That was when I knew I had deffently lost...

Voting for Deputy's is on monday, but I'm not holding my breathe. It won't be me. trust me. I'm not holding out much confidence...

Stef OUt

Friday 2 November 2007

New Famous Five

The Famous Five

The Famous Five. The new TV series looks horrible. It really does, doesn't even sound like the FF.

I understand that it has to be updated, PC and all that, but why not keep the orginal adventures and names, in the very least. Changing the names, and the adventures, seems to take away the very essence of the Famous Five. They wouldn't be the famous five if you didn't have a stroppy George, a joking Dick, a Loyal (If slightly washy) Anne, and a bossy Julian. It's just not the same.And AMERICAN! That's what angered me the most, it is being written by AMERICAN's who had to have the orginal text changed for them in the first place. If you are going to bring back the FF, then please make sure that you use English writers who understand why we don't want one of best selling and well known books changed to such lengths.

Ok, ok, it wouldn't be very PC if they were all white, I get that, but what can you do? You can't really dig up old Enid, and get her to re-write them.
Leaving them the way they are allows people, kids mainly, to see the way that things changed from one time to the next. Next they'll be changing the history to make it more PC.

First books, then fact.

It just doesn't work like that.

Lord help us.

Peace out


If any of the above offends you, i'm sorry. I didn't meant offend. So I beg your parden. I just wanted to make people aware of what was going on, and my feelings towards it.

Monday 22 October 2007


Well, it's half term. Normally I would say yay.

well, i suppose i can, but i have a lot of homework and i have just found out that my house is going to look like a construction site soon, because my mum's room is having the floor boards re done, so everything has to come out of her room, and some where in the house.

Which means no internet for three weeks, unless Dad can wire up my computer to the phone line, so I can have internet in my room
I just hope he gets round to it.

Anyway, had a good couple of days. Talked to the guy I sat next to in Assembly the other week, had some lie ins, and talking to my friend in Bangladesh now. lol
Anyway, lots of homework, which I don't want to do. urgh!

Brain is about to explode.

really into indian things at the moment. the music, movies, the food. watched Bride and Prejudice the other day. Really want to sound track now, and the movie.
There's always christmas I suppose

bi for now


Tuesday 16 October 2007


What a WEEEEKKKK!!!!!!
Ok, so the week started out ok. Work on Monday was shit as usual, but what do you expect. Just go with the flow, unfortunatley.
Tuesday was wellll brilliant!!!! Loved Tuesday Lunch Time!!! I could's stop smiling!!! Cause one of the guys I liked sat next to me in assembly and for the first five minutes or whatever we were swapping sarcastic comments, just for the sake of it. lol Loved it.

Wednesday Morning, right up until I was at work was great as well. Then I found out some devistating news.The Other guy I like, knows that I like him. All the sixth form cleaners have worked out that I like him, and have been disscussing it up in the common room, with him, all week. MEN SUCK!!! was the conculsion I came to after that.

Which meant that the rest of this week has been crappy, and I can't tell anyone why, becuase they wouldn't understand. It's just doesn't bare thinking about.
Inset day friday. Good I all I can say (This friday I mean) and well half term next week. Love it! But Anyway, Men suck.
