Last night Oliver Tompsett played his only concert of 2008 at Shepards Bush Hall in London.
The music was brilliant and it was the best time. The warm up bad was good, but their efforts went largely un noticed because everyone was waiting for Oli. They got a good reception when the played a Wicked related song, about Fiyero, Oli's Character in Wicked!
Oli got a well deserved reception when he turned up on stage. All the songs from his Deubt Album, Sentimental Heart were played along with some covers and some new material.
There was literally no room to move as eveyone danced, clapped and cheered for Oli and his wonderful Band! Holly James, his backing vocalist was fantastic and did her own solo perfromance with Duffy's hit, Mercy! She is one amazing Woman!
Oli's brother Ben was fantastic! He was on the keybored and played the Sax while Oli had a break and was cheered as much as Oli was.
After a short break for Oli, he came back on with Ashley Grey, who is the Standby for Elphaba in Wicked and does a duet with Oli on his album. She was cheered for a good few minutes before they could even start the song, Count on Me.
It was all so brilliant. People were clapping and cheering and the gig could have gone on all night and we wouldn't have noticed!
When it got to the end of the Gig, which ended on a high with Rollercoaster and Femme Fatal, people started to leave.
We hung about a bit afterwards and met the current West End Elphaba, Alexia Khadime;
Caroline Keiff who plays Nessa Rose;
Sarah Earnshaw and Ashley Grey the standbys. The Former for Glinda and the Latter for Elphaba
We got all their autographs apart from Alexia's becase we were in the corridor at the time, and not the best place to ask for an autograph as well as a picture.
We waited around, when most of the fans had gone off, and spotted Oli coming out from behind the stage. We rushed over, and waited patiently as he talked to some friends. His Dad cut in and presented us! Oli was soo nice! He was lovely. He signed my copy of the album, Daisy's copy of the poster for the gig. And he signed a picture of himself for my friend. Then we got a picture with him! And a hug!
Then his Dad, called Ben over, as Oli went back stage. We got his autograph, and he was really sweet because he didn't think we really wanted them. But again I got my album signed and the picture. And Daisy got her flyer signed, and we got a picture with Ben as well!
It was one swell Night! And we made some new friends, who are more fanatical about Wicked than Daisy and I are! When we were just leaving the women who had given me my free signed poster, pulled us over to a man with camera and asked us to talk about the gig. We did as she asked, and it turned out it's going to be released on DVD!!!! So Daisy and I are going to be on Oli's concert DVD!!!
Anyway! it was brilliant and I'm glad that Oliver Tompsett was my first Gig!:D
Can't wait to see Wicked or Oli again!!
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