Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Long Time NoBlog!

Sorry! I didn't realise that it had been so long since my last post.

Well, I have been rather busy, exams and uni and stuff. But I have been to see a number of shows since my last blog. There was Dirty Dancing in the Summer (2009)Avenue Q, then Forbidden Broadway, Avenue Q again, Wicked, twice since, Chicago and Megan Mullally recently, all of which have proved to be enjoyable and well worth the money paid for them. They are all well worth watching and seeing.

Coming up this Sunday there is Stephanie J Blocks' concert which includes Oliver Tompsett, Annalene Beechy (Plus Baby Bump *Congratualtions Annalene*) and SJB's Pirate Queen male Lead, Hadley Fraser (TICKETS ARE STILL AVAILIBLE!!!!) Then there's We Will Rock you in March and Wicked cast change on the 27th. (So many are leaving!)

Welll I think thats a basic overview of my last year. I shall try and better at updating this, but at the moment I don't know if I shall have the time to. So much work to do. :(